6 Ideas for Ads to Run in April

April - not just a new month, but a move into the next trade quarter, new financial year and a definite shift in the seasons. So, in the spirit of spring cleaning and invigorating your campaigns, we’ve collated a list of ideas you could test in April.

1 - It’s hard not to feel the shift in nature in April, we’re all moved, in one way or another, by the end of winter and beginning of spring. Review your ads and consider changing darker, colder, cosy creative for something warmer with more energy. It will resonate better.

Ecommerce ads to run in the spring

2 - Likewise, review your copy and ask yourself if there are opportunities to inject some seasonal positivity, which will make your ads ‘stickier’ for your audience. As you review the ads, also review the landing pages they send your customers to. Do they need a seasonal update too? Extra marks for split testing seasonal language (and creative) with evergreen.

3 - Review the products you're prioritising in your campaigns - are they the best fit for the change in season? It’s usually better to feature what is a little too far in the future, rather than something which is about to pass. As it warms up I want to be thinking about summer, having my garden in great shape, being outside socialising with my friends, wearing summer clothes I feel great in (including the awesome shades I’ve been eyeing up since Christmas), and feeling generally positive and full of warm season energy. Ads which address obstacles to those will hit the mark in April.

4 - Easter is just around the corner, but so are more holidays in May. Do you need to factor half term into your campaigns, or run any holiday offers? If so, April is the time to test any ad elements which you need to rely on for the big stuff in May.

ecommerce ads to run in April

5 - For eco-ecommerce brands - Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd, and provides a nice opportunity to promote eco-friendly products or initiatives. Consider running responsible offers which highlight sustainable products. Have you tried layering ‘Ethical Shoppers’ into your audiences? We get mixed results with these audiences nowadays - test!

Eco ecommerce

6 - Build your email lists. These lists are golden, and can add huge value to any campaign. Building them should be a priority all year round, so if you don’t have even a low level campaign running to build your email list, get it done in April!

Feel like your ads strategy needs some love? Book in a free 30 minute discovery call.


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